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Left-Handed Links for Parents

Links and Information about Left-Handedness for Parents
Below are links to informational websites for your knowledge.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Mrs. Honeycutt

For my master's degree thesis research project, I studied the effects of being left-handed and education. This is a topic that is close to my heart because I, myself, am left-handed. My results were interesting and it has given me a whole new insight on what it means to be left-handed in the classroom. Below are links to interesting informational resources that I found about left-handedness. I am also happy to share my results with you in person.

Writing Left Handed

*Order REAL Left-Handed Scissors from

Handedness Research Institute

Left Handed Children, Failed by Teachers
Despite the commonly accepted view that prejudice against left-handedness is a thing of the past, left-handed schoolchildren are still being given a raw deal in schools, according to a new study released today to mark International Left-Handers Day.

Left 'n' Write
Worcester specialists in helping left-handed people.

Left-Handed Thinking

Anything Left-Handed
Left-handed products and lefthanded people

Being Left-Handed

Varieties of Left-Handed Writing

Mrs. Honeycutt - 4th Grade Teacher, Saddleback Elementary School
Maricopa, Arizona

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*This page was last updated on July 8, 2011.*
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