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About Mrs. Honeycutt

About Mrs. Honeycutt
My name is Katie Honeycutt - my full name is Katheryn Elizabeth Honeycutt. My full name is the same length as the alphabet, 26 letters - my mom says that she wanted me to have a big name because she knew that I would do something BIG someday (my maiden name had 9 letters too - Rasmussen) . I have to say that I do have a BIG job - I have the opportunity to impact the lives of amazing students everyday and I love my job.

For the 2011-2012 school year, I will be teaching 4th grade at Saddleback Elementary School in Maricopa, Arizona. I have a Bachelors Degree in Television Production from Ferris State University in Michigan and a Masters of Arts in Elementary Education degree from the University of Michigan. I am certified in both the state of Arizona and Michigan as a general education classroom teacher.

The 2011-2012 school year will be my 7th year teaching in the classroom. Along with 4th grade, I have also taught 1st Grade, and Kindergarten. Prior to teaching, I worked in corporate video, photography, web design and graphic design.

I am a National Board Certified Teacher National Board Certification is a voluntary assessment program designed to develop, recognize and retain accomplished teachers, National Board Certification is achieved through a performance-based assessment. While state licensing systems set basic requirements to teach in each state, National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) have successfully demonstrated advanced teaching knowledge, skills and practices. Similar to board-certified medical doctors, National Board Certified Teachers have met high standards through intensive study, expert evaluation, self-assessment and peer review. In the state of Arizona there are currently only 769 National Board Certified Teachers, as of 2010. I am among a select group of excellent teachers nationwide who have achieved National Board Certification. National Board Certified Teachers consistently receive top teaching honors while representing about 2% of the nation’s teaching population. In the most rigorous and comprehensive study to date about National Board Certification, the non-partisan National Research Council found that students taught by NBCTs make higher gains on achievement tests than students taught by other teachers. National Board Certification is recognized as a model for identifying accomplished teaching practice and is supported by teachers and administrators nationwide. All 50 states, the District of Columbia and hundreds of local school districts recognize National Board Certification as a mark of distinction.

In November of 2010, I won the VFW Elementary Teacher of the Year award for 2010-2011

Master of Arts in Elementary Education, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, 2005
Bachelors of Science in Television Production, FERRIS STATE UNIVERSITY, 2000

National Board Certification - Early and Middle Childhood / Literacy: Reading - Lanugage Arts
Arizona, Standard Elementary Education Certification, K-8
Arizona, Endorsement: Structured English Immersion, K-2
Michigan, Elementary Education (All Subjects) Certification, K-5
Michigan, Subject Area Certification: Fine Arts 6-8

Language Knowledge:
French: basic reading knowledge and basic spoken knowledge
German: some reading knowledge and some spoken knowledge
Spanish: some reading knowledge and some spoken knowledge

Study Abroad:
FERRIS STATE UNIVERSITY, Anse Mitan, Martinique (2 summers): studied and traveled throughout the French territory of Martinique, gained insight and awareness about the Francophone and Creolé culture, and improved and expanded French language abilities.

Education Awards:
VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher Award, 2010
University Honors, University of Michigan
Graduated with High Distinction Honors, Ferris State University
Dean's List: University of Michigan, Ferris State University
Honors List: Montcalm Community College
Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges Students
International Television Association Scholarship Award
International Television Association Golden Cassette Award

About My Life
I was born and raised on a small family dairy farm in Michigan. I grew up in a small town - where everyone knew everyone one. It was a wonderful place to grow up. I was fortunate enough to I attended kindergarten with the same people I graduated high school with. I have truly cherished each of the relationships that I have carried with me from my hometown.

I have a loving family that is very supportive of my life from far away. My father is a dairy farmer and my mother is a registered nurse the works with hospice - they both live in Michigan. I have a sister that works in real estate in South Carolina and a brother that is an Airman with the United States Navy in Maryland. Even though my family is not here in Arizona with me, they are extremely supportive and involved in my classroom. They are always inquiring about my classroom, students and what they can do to help. My parents often send books and special diary pencils for my students in the classroom. My dad thought that I might need some extra scissors for my classroom last year and sent me 6 pairs that were used everyday by students.

My husband and I were married on the island of Maui in the Hawaiian Islands in 2002. We recently had a little girl of our own, our first child. Her name is Mya and she was born on February 21, 2011 @6:59pm - 6lbs. 12 oz., 19 1/2 inches long. We have
two cats, Lilo and Mango, and two dogs, Mikey and Kiwi. My husband is an IT project manager with a company in Scottsdale. He is from the metro Detroit area of Michigan and is a BIG Detroit Red Wings fan, and everything Hockey. GO WINGS!

I have studied abroad and traveled to numerous countries and states. And I always enjoy meeting new people and learning new things. I believe that we all learn something new everyday.

As a proponent of education and learning about the world that we live in, I truly believe that all children can succeed and that they each possess an insurmountable amount of creativity. I know that this is going to be an outstanding school year. I am truly delighted to work with you and your student as we all learn and grow.

Thank you for supporting your student's education this year.

My Favorite Things
Favorite Animal: Cat - I love cats!, and I love my dogs too. :)
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Food: Raspberries, Michigan Wild Blackcaps - they grow wild in Michigan!
Favorite Drink: Sweet Tea, Water
Favorite Flower: Iris
Favorite Place: Paris
Favorite Children's Literature: Tough Boris, by Mem Fox, Wolf! by Becky Bloom and Pascal Biet
Favorite Children's Authors: Mem Fox, Patricia Polacco, Leo Lionni
Favorite Children's Movie: Lilo and Stitch

My husband and I...

and our little girl, Mya.

My parents, my sister, my brother and me.
My little brother is in the navy (I am so proud of him!).

This is what it looks like where I grew up.

My pets: (top left) Mikey, (top right) Lilo, (bottom left) Kiwi, and (bottom right)Mango

Snow in Michigan, Winter 2007

Mrs. Honeycutt - 4th Grade Teacher, Saddleback Elementary School
Maricopa, Arizona

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*This page was last updated on July 26, 2011.*
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