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Information About Our Classroom

Classroom Information for the 11-12 School Year
Download a copy of the 2011-2012 Parent Packet - Click here to download
Download a copy of the 2011-2012 Student Information Forms- Click here to download

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:ml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Welcome to Saddleback! I would like to welcome you all to Team Honeycutt and to Saddleback Elementary School! I’m excited about the opportunity to get to know you and I’m looking to a FANTASTIC school year!

Included in this packet are answers to some questions that you might have, lots of important information you need to know about our classroom (please be sure to read all this information), and a supply list (on the last page). Please take some time to go over this packet together. Keep in mind that things do change throughout the school year, as student needs change (I always try to make sure that what I am doing works for all of us.). Be sure to read the weekly newsletters every week about any changes – I will do my best to keep you as informed as possible. And you are always welcome to ask me any questions. Again – Welcome! This is going to be an exciting year!!

  1. Do you do the same things every year?
    ·         While I do keep some things from year to year, my focus is on these students, at this time, and in this setting.
  2. What are the school hours?
    ·         8:00 am – 3:00 pm à Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday
    ·         Please know that school starts at 8:00 am and ends at 3:00 pm, I will start each day at 8:00 a.m. and will not dismiss from the classroom until the final bell at 3:00pm.
  3. What are the school hours for Wednesday?
    ·         Every Wednesday is Early Release – school will be released at 1:10pm on Wednesdays
  1. What is the procedure when my child is sick or unable to attend school?
    ·         Please call the school office to report any absence – 520-568-6110.
  2. Can I volunteer in the classroom or at the school?
    ·         Yes, there are numerous ways you can help. Please let me know what you would like to help with.
  3. Can my child have snacks at school?
    ·         Yes, we will have a snack break during our school day – either in the morning or afternoon, depending in our grade level lunchtime. Students are responsible for their own snacks. I will not have snacks available for students. I HIGHLY encourage nutritional snacks in our classroom – for example, fruit, fruit snacks, granola bars, non-sugar cereals, etc. *Soda or candy will not be allowed as a snack in the classroom. If students bring these items for a snack, they will be asked to leave it in their backpack to take home.
  4. Is there homework?
    ·         Students will be assigned daily homework, including Fridays, which they will be responsible for. Also included in daily homework is the nightly reading log and practice of weekly spelling and vocabulary words that are tested at the end of the week. Along with daily homework, weekly spelling and vocabulary, students will have monthly homework assignments. A homework agenda will go home every Monday – all homework assignments are due the day after they are assigned, unless otherwise stated. In addition to  the homework agenda, students will also receive a copy of the week’s spelling and vocabulary words along with skills we are working on and a sample passage of the story we are reading (students are encouraged to practice reading this passage each night at home, as they will be assessed on it on Friday). All homework is meant to reinforce skills that are taught in the classroom, so that you can see the skills we are working on, and so that you can see your child’s ability to complete this work independently. You may sometimes need to read the directions to your child – otherwise, they should be able to complete their homework independently. Please sign for your child’s homework each night – it is your student’s responsibility to remember to have their homework and reading log signed.

    ·         There are also optional Writing topics inside the BEE Folder that students can use to practice their writing skills daily/weekly. This is optional but highly encouraged.

    ·         Students will have B.E.E. [Bring Everything Everyday] Folder in our class (a.k.a. Homework folders). This folder should live in your child’s backpack. The B.E.E. folder will hold all important information, reading log and calendars in the folder prongs (center of the folder) - this information should remain in the folder at all times), homework and anything that is to be completed and returned will be on the left-hand side, completed and/or other information on the right-hand should stay home. This folder MUST come to school every day. Please know that it is your child’s responsibility to remember this folder and their homework. I have a policy / rule in our classroom – “no folder = no recess, no homework = no recess, no backpack = no recess”.

    ·         The reading log in the folder is part of your child’s homework assignment and MUST be completed each night as part of their assigned homework. Students receive points towards their overall reading grade from their reading log every day, this MUST be done and signed the night before to receive points – these points cannot be made up or replaced with another assignment. Even if your child is sick or misses school for some reason – reading log is an ongoing homework assignment that should be complete EVERY NIGHT – regardless of your child’s attendance. *NOTE: The reading long MUST be signed by you nightly to receive full credit for reading. Again, it is YOUR CHILD’s responsibility to remember to get this signature from you and not yours.

    ·         Friday Progress Reports – Friday Progress Reports will come home on every Friday to update you on your child’s progress. This is not your child’s final grade, simply a progress report of the week. However, sometimes throughout the school year additional progress reports with grades will come home for a signature. Please be sure to sign the progress report and note any questions you might have before it is returned. Please keep in mind that this is only an update and not your child’s final grade. Having the Friday Progress Report signed each week, is part of your child’s homework for the weekend. Please remember our classroom policy / rule, “no folder = no recess, no homework = no recess, no backpack =  no recess”.

8.      How do I know what is happening in the classroom or at school?

·         Please ask me – I am always here to answer any questions or concerns you might have. I will update you on any happenings in our classroom newsletter each week – please be sure to read the newsletters to stay informed. We have a classroom website it is: < >, and a classroom Twitter page < >. I will do my best to keep the site updated with any important news and keep important newsfeeds on Twitter up to date. You are also welcome to call me at school, email me (Email is the BEST way to get in contact with me – even during school hours. I also often check email in the evenings after school, on weekends and over holidays.), or send a note to school with your child.

·         Homework will not be posted on my classroom website – and students will receive only 1 homework agenda and weekly spelling words and vocabulary words page. In the event that they lose their homework agenda or weekly spelling words and vocabulary words page, I will not be able to replace it. I post the homework agenda and weekly spelling words and vocabulary words page on the classroom webpage each week – students are welcome to download and print a new copy if they need it. *I also post the weekly newsletter and lesson plans on the website if you wish to view them online.

9.      Do you have a 4th Grade classroom website?

  • Yes, I have a classroom website! Please check it out.  Weekly communication will go home with students; however, there are additional resources available on our classroom website too. Click on ‘THIS WEEK’ to see lesson plans, spelling/vocabulary words and the current newsletter.

    **Please keep in mind that our website is hosted for free on I do not have control over pop-up ads and/or the content of these ads. If any problems occur with the ads, please let me know.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for supporting your student’s education. This is going to be a FANTASTIC year in 4th Grade!


Mrs. Katie Honeycutt, M.A., NBCT

4th Grade Teacher


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Some of the things we will be learning about in 4th grade this year:
·         Reading is part of EVERYTHING we do in 4th grade. We will be focusing on all reading aspects, such as Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Fluency, Vocabulary, Oral Language Development, Listening and Speaking, Viewing and Presenting, Elements of Literature, Historical and Cultural Aspects of Literature, Expository Text, Functional Text, and Persuasive Text. However, we will be focusing heavily on Reading Comprehension, especially comprehension of expository and functional text (i.e., text that provides information).
·         Math will be a BIG focus for us this year. Your child should know their basic math facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division FLUENTLY. IF he/she does not, please contact me immediately so I can give you some ideas on how to help your child learn their basic math facts. Students need to know these basic facts in order to be successful in math this year! We will be working on Number Sense, Numerical Operations, Estimation, Data Analysis, Probability, Systematic Listing and Counting, Vertex-Edge Graphs, Patterns, Algebraic Representations, Analysis of Change, Geometric Properties, Transformation of Shapes, Coordinate Geometry, Measurement, Algorithms and Algorithmic Thinking, and Logic, Reasoning, Problem Solving, and Proof.
·         Writing is a very important in 4th grade and we will be working on this daily to improve your child’s writing skills. We will work on the Writing Process and the 6 Traits of Writing: Ideas, Sentence Fluency, Voice, Word Choice, Conventions, and Organization.
·         Science is another focus for 4th grade, as students will be tested in the area of science on the AIMS test in the spring. We plan to have a dedicated science lab that we will use this year. Students will be studying weather, earth’s processes, systems of plants, erosion, water conservation, and electricity.
·         For Social Studies 4th students will focus on learning about the state of Arizona. This year, Arizona will be celebrating its 100th birthday. While Arizona will be our main focus, we will also look at Economics, Civics/Government, Geography: Continents, Oceans, and States, and World History.
·         Other curriculum areas listed under the Arizona State Standards for 4th grade that we will be incorporating in our learning this year are: workplace skills: Listening Effectively, and visual art: line, shape, color, color wheels, and more.
·         In today’s world technology is very important, is part of almost everything. Students today are often referred to as “digital natives” because they were born with technology already around them. In the classroom we will be utilizing and integrating technology into everything we do in the classroom. We will learn about and discuss Technology Operations and Concepts, Communication and Collaboration, Digital Citizenship, Research and Information Fluency, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Twitter, Wikis, Blogging, Email, Internet, Video/Web Cams, Digital Photography, and more.
·         Students will also be learning how to be a member of a classroom community in our classroom.
·         And much more!

Please visit the Arizona Department of Education about the curriculum:

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AIMS, GALILEO, DIBELS, and Writing Benchmark Assessments
This year, students will be given the following state and district assessments: AIMS, Galileo, DIBELS, and the Writing Benchmark. The AIMS test is a state test that will be given in the spring. In 4th Grade, students will be assessed on Reading, Science and Math. The Galileo test is a district assessment that is given 3 times (possibly 4) throughout the school year. In 4th Grade, students will be assessed on the same subject areas as in AIMS (Reading, Science and Math). Galileo is designed to be similar to AIMS and will give us a good snap shot of how prepared students are for the AIMS test and what needs to be worked on. AIMS is a paper pencil test and Galileo is given on the computer. DIBELS is a district assessment that, in 4th grade, is designed to learn about students’ ability to read fluently and comprehend what they are reading. DIBELS is given 3 times a year. And the writing benchmark is a district assessment that is given3 times a year to assess student writing abilities.
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School Hours - Absent, Late, and Leaving Early

At Saddleback Elementary School, school will start at 8:00 a.m. and end at 3:00 p.m. All Elementary Schools in the Maricopa Unified School District will have Early Releases every Wednesday. Saddleback Elementary School will be released at 1:10pm every Wednesday.


We will start class at 8:00 a.m. and will not finish our day until 3:00 p.m. I do not dismiss students until the final bell at 3:00 p.m. Every moment in class is VERY IMPORTANT in class – when you child misses even a few minutes of class, they MISS A LOT.

If your student is absent, you must report it to the office. If your student is late, you must report it to the office – they cannot come to class without a pass from the front office. If your student is leaving early, you must report it to the office first. Please do not leave with your child, without reporting it to the office first. *It is IMPARATIVE that your student is not routinely late to class.

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Classroom Motto and Rules
We have a class motto in our classroom. This is yet another way that I am setting high expectations for my students and encouraging their own personal responsibility with their actions both at school and at home.

Our class motto is: There are NO SHORTCUTS and NO EXCUSES.

We have 4 rules to start off our in our classroom this year.

Team Honeycutt Classroom Rules
1. Be Respectful.
2. Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
3. Always do your best!
4. No Folder / No Homework / No Backpack = No Recess

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B.E.E. Folder, Homework, Friday Progress Report
B.E.E. Folder
Students will have B.E.E. [Bring Everything Everyday] Folder in our class (a.k.a. Homework folders). This folder should live in your child’s backpack. The B.E.E. folder will hold all important information, reading log and calendars in the folder prongs (center of the folder) - this information should remain in the folder at all times), homework and anything that is to be completed and returned will be on the left-hand side, completed and/or other information on the right-hand should stay home. This folder MUST come to school every day. Please know that it is your child’s responsibility to remember this folder and their homework. I have a policy / rule in our classroom – “no folder = no recess, no homework = no recess, no backpack = no recess”. BEE Folders are important! They will help your child to establish good organization skills and those skills will carry with them throughout their academic career. It also helps to establish a sense of prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Reading Log
The reading log in the folder is part of your child’s homework assignment and MUST be completed each night as part of their assigned homework. Students receive points towards their overall reading grade from their reading log every day, this MUST be done and signed the night before to receive points – these points cannot be made up or replaced with another assignment. Even if your child is sick or misses school for some reason – reading log is an ongoing homework assignment that should be complete EVERY NIGHT – regardless of your child’s attendance. *NOTE: The reading long MUST be signed by you nightly to receive full credit for reading. Again, it is YOUR CHILD’s responsibility to remember to get this signature from you and not yours.

Students will be assigned daily homework, including Fridays, which they will be responsible for. Also included in daily homework is the nightly reading log and practice of weekly spelling and vocabulary words that are tested at the end of the week. Along with daily homework, weekly spelling and vocabulary, students will have monthly homework assignments. A homework agenda will go home every Monday – all homework assignments are due the day after they are assigned, unless otherwise stated. In addition to  the homework agenda, students will also receive a copy of the week’s spelling and vocabulary words along with skills we are working on and a sample passage of the story we are reading (students are encouraged to practice reading this passage each night at home, as they will be assessed on it on Friday). All homework is meant to reinforce skills that are taught in the classroom, so that you can see the skills we are working on, and so that you can see your child’s ability to complete this work independently. You may sometimes need to read the directions to your child – otherwise, they should be able to complete their homework independently. Please sign for your child’s homework each night – it is your student’s responsibility to remember to have their homework and reading log signed. Remember: Our classroom policy / rule is: No Folder / No Homework / No Backpack = No Recess. Folders, Homework, and Backpacks are your child’s responsibility to remember each day.

Friday Folder
Friday Progress Reports will come home on every Friday to update you on your child’s progress. This is not your child’s final grade, simply a progress report of the week. However, sometimes throughout the school year additional progress reports with grades will come home for a signature. Please be sure to sign the progress report and note any questions you might have before it is returned. Please keep in mind that this is only an update and not your child’s final grade. Having the Friday Progress Report signed each week, is part of your child’s homework for the weekend. Please remember our classroom policy / rule, “no folder = no recess, no homework =  no recess, no backpack =  no recess”.

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Weekly Newsletters
I will be sending home weekly newsletters, and posting them on the classroom website. The newsletter will share what is happening in our classroom, information that I would like to share with you, things that we will be learning in our classroom for the week, things that will be happening soon, and other information. Please make sure that you read this newsletter every week. You can also download a copy of the most current newsletter on our classroom website each week – just go to the “This Week” section of the website.

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Snacks and Sharing

We will have a snack break during our school day – either in the morning or afternoon, depending in our grade level lunchtime. Students are responsible for their own snacks if they would like to have a snack during the school day. I will not have snacks available for students. I HIGHLY encourage nutritional snacks in our classroom – for example, fruit, fruit snacks, granola bars, non-sugar cereals, etc. *Soda or candy will not be allowed as a snack in our classroom. If students bring these items for a snack, they will be asked to leave it in their backpack to take home.

For more information about healthy eating at school, please visit the USDA Website about the Wellness Policy.

Sharing - Just a Minute Box

If students wish to share, they are welcome to sign up in the classroom on the sharing calendar. Students are responsible for remembering the day they sign up. In the event that they miss the day they signed up for, they are welcome to sign up for a new day - days will not be assigned. We have a box in the classroom that students can bring something in he/she would like to share. This is NOT mandatory; however, students like to share things that express who they are. The sharing calendar will be available to sign up for a day to share – students MUST sign up the day before to share. Please do not send anything that is of value or extremely important to your student or your family. I will not be held responsible for lost or stolen personal items. Items can be simple; i.e., a picture, a special toy or stuffed animal (student will not be allowed to play with any toy that is brought to school for their ‘Just a Minute Box’ time) or a drawing. Remember, this time is called “Just a Minute” so students will only have a short minute to share their item. *Please no live animals or plants. If you have any questions please let me know – again, this is not mandatory, only an option.

The rules for the Just a Minute Box:
1. Students may only share items on their scheduled day – items should not be brought in earlier.
2. Item must fit inside “Just a Minute box” (the students know the size of the box)
3. Item CANNOT be alive (must be non-living)
4. Students will only have 1 minute to share item

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If your child has a birthday during the school year, you are welcome to bring in a treat item for their special day. This treat will be during our regular snack break. We do not have special birthday celebrations in our classroom. Please remember to any necessary utensils, plates, napkins etc. I may not have the necessary items on hand. Please remember this is not meant to be a birthday party. It is just a special snack, during our snack break in the classroom.

*If your student has a party planned during the year, please have your student give all the invitations to me and I will make sure the appropriate students receive them.

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Classroom Management
Make Your Day
This year I will be implementing a behavior program titled, “Make Your Day.”  The rules are simple: “No one has the right to interfere with the learning or safety of others.” “Do what is expected and do it the best that you can.”

These expectations summarize the philosophy of the Make Your Day program. It is based on the premise that every person within the school environment has the right to complete his or her responsibilities without interference from others. Below are the actions taken if the rules are broken.

Step 1: The student will be asked privately to take a seat facing away from the academic setting.  The student is to spend 2 to 5 successive minutes quietly thinking about the problem he/she had.  If the student is successful in doing this, then the student may return to the academic setting and continue working.

Step 2: If a student fails to take advantage of this time away from work, the student is asked to stand away from the academic setting 2 to 5 minutes before returning to Step 1. When success is met for 2-5 successive minutes, the student returns to Step 1.

Step 3:  If Step 3 is chosen, the student will be asked to fill out a reflection behavior form in another classroom.  Once this is completed correctly, the student will return to step 2.  You will be asked to sign & return this form. With the following questions to answer: Tell what you did, Did you choose to do that?, Was that a good choice?,  What rule did you break?, Why is this rule important to follow?, What can you do to correct your behavior?, How do you think your teacher feels about what you did?, What will help you make the right choices in the classroom?, What should happen if you make the wrong choice in the classroom again?, Tell of a specific time you made a good choice, How did you feel when you made a good choice?

Step 4: If problems continue beyond Step 3 or if the student chooses Step 4, the student will have chosen to call the parent for a phone conference.  

Study Hall
We will have study hall each week for students that have had behavior problems or that have not completed their assignments. Students with good behavior and have completed ALL of their school work and homework will be permitted to participate in the 4th grade activity instead of attending study hall.

Restroom and Drinks
In 4th Grade, students leave the classroom to use the restroom. I have 1 boy pass and 1 girl pass. Only 1 girl and 1 boy will be allowed to leave at a time. Extra students will not be allowed to leave unless it is an emergency! Students will also not be allowed to leave during instructional time, this is to minimize distractions during teaching. If students need to use the restroom, I will teach students to simply give me “a thumbs up”. This is an effective method that I have found that helps to minimize restroom distractions. If I am not busy with another student in the classroom or working with a small group or whole group, students are welcome to continue to use this method; however, they are welcome to simply ask to use the restroom at this time. If you have any questions about this method, I am happy to answer them.

I encourage students to drink plenty of water when they are in the classroom - either at the drinking fountain or students may bring in water bottles (*Other forms of liquid are not allowed.) However, students may not leave teaching time periods to get a drink. **All water bottles are kept on the back counter.

“B Emergency”
When I am working with students individually or in small groups, I ask students to be respectful. They must have a “B Emergency” to interrupt me; a “B Emergency” is blood, bathroom (i.e., accident), or barf. If students do not have a “B Emergency” they must wait until I have finished what I am doing and can speak to them. I also encourage students to see if another student can answer within our classroom. Other students often know the answer to questions.

Do Now and Ketchup Work
Each morning, students will have a “Do Now” worksheet on their desk. This is work that is to be completed immediately.  If students are late or they do not complete this work it will be come part of their Ketchup work. Ketchup work will be completed ALL Do Now and Ketchup or other work MUST be completed by the end of the week to participate in any fun educational activity of the week otherwise, students will attend study hall to complete this work.. As with homework, all work that I give in the class is to reinforce skills that have already been taught in the classroom.

Student Portfolios
I will be keeping a portfolio of student work throughout the school year for each student. This portfolio will help me to monitor each student’s work in the classroom. Each portfolio will contain a variety of samples from each student (i.e., handwriting samples, drawing samples, test and assessment materials, and other samples as needed). Each item that is added to the portfolio is dated when it is created and added sequentially to the portfolio.

These portfolios will be maintained from the first day the student(s) enters my classroom until the final day. I will be sending each student’s portfolio home at the end of the school year. *If in the event that you move in the middle of the school year, please let me know so that you can take your student’s portfolio to his/her next school.

I will also be using portfolio during conferences with parents.

Student Files in the Classroom
I maintain a student folder for each student during the course of the school year. All miscellaneous paper work, notes, copies of parent communication, phone call logs, and/or signed papers are kept in this folder.

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Book Orders
I will send home a Scholastic Book Order form with your student occasionally. This is a great way to add to your student’s library. It is completely optional and it is also beneficial to the classroom, teachers can receive points for the amount of money that is spent on each order. I use these points to get books, resource books or materials for our classroom. Last year I was able to get many resource books, student books to read to the students, books on CD, and classroom furniture with these points.

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Sample Class Schedule *subject to change
Time                           Subject
8:00 am                       School Starts
Do Now Activitystudents will have an activity that they will complete as soon as they enter the door… if this assignment is not completed or the student enters class late (excused or unexcused), the work will become part of their Ketchup work.
90 mins                        Math
10  mins                        Snack Break
120 mins                      Language Arts Block
40 mins                        Lunch/Recess
45 mins                        Writing
60 mins                        Science/Art/Social Studie
30 mins                        Specials ( Computers, P.E., Music
3:00 pm                      School Ends * I do not dismiss from the classroom until 3:00 p.m.
*This schedule is a sample and it is subject to change

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Classroom Library Checkout Rules

1.    You CAN check out only one book at a prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

2.    Any book that you pick out MUST in your desk at school and should not go home (unless it is a special situation – which should be discussed with the teacher first).

3.     You MUST BE responsible!

*If in any way, this system does not work – it will be adjusted to a way that will work better or it will simply be stopped.

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MUSD Dress Code Policy
FYI. This will be strictly enforced in my classroom and at our school. Please let me know if you have any questions.

The school district has the responsibility to promote the basic rules of sanitation, safety, neatness, and modesty while on campus. Students should dress in a manner that, in addition to the following guidelines, takes into consideration the educational environment, safety, health, and welfare of self and others. Students will not dress in a manner that disrupts the learning process. Each student must keep in mind that he/she is a representative of the Maricopa Unified School District and the Maricopa community. The following is a summary and will provide you with guidelines.

For boys:
Any SOLID COLOR collared shirt (strips or shirts with pattern designs are not allowed).
- School spirit t-shirt.
- Khaki, blue or black pants or shorts. Side pockets are allowed, cargo pockets are not allowed.
- Jeans are allowed and may be blue or black and must be clean, neat and fit appropriately. They may be pants or shorts.

For girls:
Any SOLID COLOR collared shirt (strips or shirts with pattern designs are not allowed).
- School spirit t-shirt.
- Khaki, blue or black pants, shorts, Capri pants, dresses, skirts or jumpers. Side pockets are allowed, cargo pockets are not allowed.
- Jeans are allowed and may be blue or black and must be clean, neat and fit appropriately. Girls may wear pants, shorts, Capri pants, dresses, skirts or jumpers.

Additional dress code information:
Baggy or oversized clothing is not acceptable. Clothing may not be more than one size too large, to allow for one year's growth.
- Shorts, skirts and dresses must be at least finger tip length.
- No undergarments may show. T-shirts worn under the collared shirts must be white and tucked into the pants.
- For safety reasons, shoes must be closed-toed and securely fastened in the back. No wheels allowed.
- Sandals are permitted but must be secured behind the heel.
- Outer wear is designed to be worn outside as weather dictates. It must be removed in the classroom.

*Uniform donations are appreciated and accepted at our school.

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Contact Information

Please refer to the following phone numbers and emails for other questions you might have about:

Saddleback Elementary School
Phone: 520.568.6110

MUSD School District Office
Phone: 520.568.5100

School Lunch Program
Suzette Moe

Mrs. Honeycutt
Phone: 520.568.6110
Email: or

The goal in our classroom is to have a community of learners that are respectful, happy and learning with everyone. If you have any questions regarding any of my methods, our classroom, the curriculum, or any other area, please do not hesitate to ask. I am here to facilitate an amazing year in our classroom.

Thank you for your support this school year. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Mrs. Katie Honeycutt, M.A., NBCT
th Grade Teacher

Mrs. Honeycutt - 4th Grade Teacher, Saddleback Elementary School
Maricopa, Arizona

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*This page was last updated on July 26, 2011.*
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