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Mrs. Honeycutt
in 2010-2011

Mrs. Honeycutt
in 4th Grade.

Visit the Saddleback
School website.

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Welcome to my classroom website...
My name is Katie Honeycutt. For the 2012-2013 school year, I will be an Instructional Coach at Tavan Elementary School in Scottsdale, Arizona. I have a Bachelors Degree in Television Production from Ferris State University in Michigan and a Masters of Arts in Elementary Education degree from the University of Michigan. I am also a National Board Certified Teacher.

"If we teach today the way we were taught yesterday we aren't preparing students for today or tomorrow." - Anonymous

See Mrs. Honeycut's Classroom 2011-2012
Click here to see classroom pictures

Mrs. Honeycutt's Supply List 2011-2012
Click here to download the list.

MUSD 2010-2011 Calendar
Click here to download the Calendar.

Download a copy of Mrs. Honeycutt's 2011-2012 Parent Packet
Click here to download

Download a copy of Mrs. Honeycutt's 2011-2012 Student Information Forms
Click here to download

Download a copy of Mrs. Honeycutt's 2011-2012 B.E.E. Folder Rules
Click here to download

MUSD School Dress Code/Uniform Policy
*This policy is followed and enforced in my classroom. -
Click here to learn more about this policy.

My sweet little girl: Mya
born:  February 21, 2011

*1 year old.

Mrs. Honeycutt - 4th Grade Teacher, Saddleback Elementary School
Maricopa, Arizona

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*This page was last updated on May 13, 2012.*
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